14 January 2012

new drawings, 2012


Susan Scheid said...

Brilliant, every one. I do wish I could do that, even a little.

kookaburra said...

Aw. The other day someone was talking to me about receiving recognition for work, & whether we need it. I'd say even a little, like the above, is gratifying. So thank you.

Seth said...

Sensational. The detail in the last drawing is impressive.

rach rach said...

love these!!! and MEGAN, I'M SO SAD I MISSED YOU AT THE STORE! thank you so so so much for the sketchbooks... i'm so excited to work in them. Please stop by again!

Maureen said...

Great sketches. You have a unique perspective on the scenes around you.

kookaburra said...

Oh, wow--I have comments from you lovely people! Thank you so much.

R--I will definitely be back. I brought a friend, who also loved what she saw (even though we only stayed 5 minutes because you weren't officially open). How's your sketchbook going? I finally figured out what mine is going to be.

Labor Posters said...

Even if it's a new drawing yet you make them wonderful and after that it become stickers love it.